Prepositions definition, examples and type of prepositions

A preposition is a word used before a pronoun to show their relation with the Subject of the Sentence. noun or a


A preposition is a word used before a pronoun to show their relation with the Subject of the Sentence. 

Eg: The book is on the table.

  • The word on shows the relation between the two nouns. boa' and 'table'.

Eg :Birds fly in the sky.

  • The word in shows the relation between the two nouns
  • "'birds' and 'Sky'

Eg: The cat is under the cot.

  • The word under shows the relation between the two nouns 'cat' and 'cot.
  • Kinds of Prepositions:

Prepositions are of five kinds. They

1. Simple Prepositions

2. Double Prepositions

4. Phrase Prepositions

3. Compound Prepositions

5. Participle Prepositions.

are :

Simple Prepositions:- One word prepositions like on, of, at, in, by, with, for, to, from and Since etc are called simple prepositions

Double Prepositions: When two simple prepositions are united

to form a Single preposition, it is called a double preposition. Eg:- into, upon, upto, within, without etc.

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