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Fibonacci series in c

Fibonacci series using do while loop in c. Your_caption_is_here ____…

Arithmetic Operations in C

Arithmetic Operations using c program. -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include<stdio.h&…

How to use prepositions with examples

How to use prepositions in General 1. At : Time :Our class starts at 9:00AM Place: She is waiting at the college Rate:He bought…

Types of prepositions with examples

Prepositions types 1. Simple Prepositions 2. Double Prepositions 3. Phrase Prepositions 4. Compound Prepositions 5. Participle P…

What is meissner effect.

MEISSNER EFFECT  When magnetic field is applied to a super conductor at T < 𝑇𝑐 then magnetic lines of force does not passe…

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