Fibonacci series in c
Fibonacci series using do while loop in c. Your_caption_is_here ____…
Fibonacci series using do while loop in c. Your_caption_is_here ____…
Arithmetic Operations using c program. -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include<stdio.h&…
PHONETICS - VOWELS, DIPHTHONGS & CONSONANTS AIM: To prove that for the production of speech sounds we need an air-stream me…
How to use prepositions in General 1. At : Time :Our class starts at 9:00AM Place: She is waiting at the college Rate:He bought…
Prepositions types 1. Simple Prepositions 2. Double Prepositions 3. Phrase Prepositions 4. Compound Prepositions 5. Participle P…
PREPOSITIONS A preposition is a word used before a pronoun to show their relation with the Subject of the Sentence. Eg: The bo…
TYPES OF SUPERCONDUCTORS Based on the property of Meissner effect, the super conductors are classified into two types. They are…
MEISSNER EFFECT When magnetic field is applied to a super conductor at T < 𝑇𝑐 then magnetic lines of force does not passe…
SOFT AND HARD MAGNETIC MATERIALS Depending upon the hysteresis area/loss, the ferromagnetic materials are classified into two…
What is superconductivity, Discoverer of superconductivity. Discoverer of Superconductivity: Every material has its own resistan…
What is MAGNETIC PROPERTIES,magnetic properties all definitions. INTRODUCTION Magnetism is the one of the property of material…
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