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Arithmetic Operations in C

Arithmetic Operations using c program. -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include<stdio.h>  #include<coni…


PHONETICS - VOWELS, DIPHTHONGS & CONSONANTS AIM: To prove that for the production of speech sounds we need an air-stream mechanism and that most…

How to use prepositions with examples

How to use prepositions in General 1. At : Time :Our class starts at 9:00AM Place: She is waiting at the college Rate:He bought bananas at Rs 20 a d…

Types of prepositions with examples

Prepositions types 1. Simple Prepositions 2. Double Prepositions 3. Phrase Prepositions 4. Compound Prepositions 5. Participle Prepositions. They are…

Prepositions definition, examples and type of prepositions

PREPOSITIONS A preposition is a word used before a pronoun to show their relation with the Subject of the Sentence.  Eg: The book is on the table. T…

Types of superconductors,superconductors types

TYPES OF SUPERCONDUCTORS Based on the property of Meissner effect, the super conductors are classified into two types. They are (i) Type - I or (sof…

What is meissner effect.

MEISSNER EFFECT  When magnetic field is applied to a super conductor at T < 𝑇𝑐 then magnetic lines of force does not passes through it and beha…

What is soft and hard magnetic materials and applications.

SOFT AND HARD MAGNETIC MATERIALS   Depending upon the hysteresis area/loss, the ferromagnetic materials are classified into two types. They are soft…

What is superconductivity,Discoverer of Superconductivity:

What is superconductivity, Discoverer of superconductivity. Discoverer of Superconductivity: Every material has its own resistance. It is an inherent…

What is MAGNETIC PROPERTIES,magnetic properties all definitions.

What is MAGNETIC PROPERTIES,magnetic properties all definitions. INTRODUCTION  Magnetism is the one of the property of materials which can attract o…

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