What is meissner effect.


 When magnetic field is applied to a super conductor at T < 𝑇𝑐

then magnetic lines of force does not passes through it and behaves as a perfect diamagnetic material. This effect is first observed by Meissner and familiarized as Meissner effect. 

We know B = µo (H + M)

In superconducting state, the magnetic lines are not passing through it. So B = 0 

 0 = µo (H + M)

 H = - M

𝑀 = 𝜒 = −1


The above expression indicates that, only diamagnetic materials can show negative 

susceptibility. It concludes that, when weak magnetic field (H < Hc) is applied to a 

superconductor then the magnetic lines of force does not penetrate through it and shows 

perfect diamagnetic property. This property is called as Meissner effect.

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