What is superconductivity, Discoverer of superconductivity.
Discoverer of Superconductivity: Every material has its own resistance. It is an inherent property of materials. This resistance occurs due to the scattering of electrons with the positive ions (atoms or molecules) present within the materials. When the temperature of material is decreased, then the scattering of electrons also decreased and which decreases the resistance then its conductivity increases. The phenomenon of obtaining zero resistance or infinite conductivity at very low temperature is known as superconductivity. The respective material is called as superconductor. It is first discovered by a scientist called Kammerlingh Onnes by doing experiment with mercury. When mercury temperature is reduced to 4.2K then its resistance decreases to nearly to zero.
The temperature at which the material undergoesthe a transition from normal state to superconducting state is known as critical or transition temperature (Tc). In general, different superconductors have different Tc values.
Ex. Tungsten – 0.01 K; Tin – 0.39 K;
Cadmium – 0.55 K
Aluminium – 1.19 K, Lead – 7.2 K